Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Good news, everyone! (Day 18)

I managed to do all 850 jumps for the day without any headache.

Hosted by
Good news, indeed

I mean, they weren't all at once. I did 100, then an exercise, then 100 more, then the next exercise, then 100 more. And at I cut the sit-ups in half, doing 100 after the first two, and then 150 after the last two sets. I am fuckin' exhausted.

Also, on my way to and from the watch shop (to buy a new watch) I kept noticing that I was getting checked out by various women who were on the bus and walking past me on the sidewalk. It's odd, because there hasn't been any noticeable change in my physical appearance over the past two weeks. There is, however, a change in how I hold myself. I feel better, healthier, and slightly more confident.

So far, today has been a good day.


  1. Yeah! That's what it's really all about isn't it?

    The Peak MackDaddy Project. Helloooo ladiez!

  2. I hear you. I see no noticeable change in my appearance either, but I feel like a million bucks, particularly after work when I used to feel so exhausted.

  3. I definitely think there's an attitude you develop. I thought it was just me, but it must be a PCP thing. Everyone else around you seems to slouch a lot... even the fairly fit looking ones.

  4. 'tude is everything, bro.

  5. tis tis. rock on bryan. you have the fit glow.
