Friday, June 12, 2009

Possible solution

I think I may have figured out why I get headaches when I jump rope. It's gotta be the rope. From what I can tell, it's too short. A few minutes ago it occurred to me that my form is really sloppy, so I dropped the rope, and jumped as if I was holding a rope, as naturally as I possible could. Maintaining a straight posture, moving at a comfortable pace, and breathing properly (or at least I think it was proper). I then tried to do that with my jump rope and it was impossible. I then jumped how I normally jump and noticed that I have to pull my feet up a lot, which strains me more than it should and causes my feet to come down pretty hard. I would describe the rope to you, but it's more effective if I just show it to you:

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Ok, so maybe it's not the worst jump rope in the world, and I am only assuming that a better rope will lead to better jumps and no headaches (or at least less headaches)

Though this guy has a compelling argument:

That display makes my jumping look like a spasmodic crack-head.


  1. jumpropes are normally sold in 8ft and 9 ft lengths. i bought an 8 ft rope at first by accident. it says it really small on the box.

  2. Oh man that rope sucks. You'll never get anywhere with that piece of crap. Jeeze what a nightmare.

    You need to get a rope made of a harder material that has a little bit of stretch to it as it gains momentum. And I'd bet your rope is too long, not too short. If your rope is truly too short you won't get through more than a few jumps before you trip.

    The correct sized rope should clear your head by about 6 inches. Don't be afraid to cut them things neither. Ditch that green monstrosity and get something with some kind of bearing in the handle for smooth rotation and a heavy synthetic rope for speed.

    Goodness gracious what a rubbish jumprope that is.

  3. haha, that was exactly the kind of response i was expecting.

  4. Nice to know someone else is having some skipping woes. I feel bad about your headaches, though. I hope the new rope you get really rules. Heh, I skip like a crackhead too.
