Sunday, July 5, 2009

budem veselit'sya, i budem tantsevat'!

So, my friend totally crapped out on me and didn't help me fix my comp. That means for the time being I have a very expensive paperweight. In the mean time, I can get a library card and use the computers at the library.

Today I was so god damn sluggish. Now, look, I'm a lazy sonofabitch, but this was just bad, even for me. I barely got through the exercise. And, 1400 jumps? Come on, lets me honest, that's nothing. I did 1350 yesterday, easy, in addition to the rest of the work out. I do not know why today was so bad. I don't know if I got enough sleep. I did sleep for 8 hours last night (and I remembered some dreams for the first time in almost a week. hell yeah) but I'm beginning to think I may need more than that.

A cool thing to note; I was reading After Many A Summer by Aldous Huxley and I started to become very drowsy - and then passed out. Then I was carrying some stuff, and listening to this guy in a clear rain parka and this aluminum pole with a net on the end (you know, one of those pool cleaning nets). and he said "just go dump that shit up there, in that shed", pointing to this wooden building atop this hill, with wooden stairs leading up to it. He left to go clean his pool and I began to walk up the stairs with all this crap in my arms. And then I fell backards.

And then I was snapping forward in my recliner, completely confused, looking at the book in my hands and thinking, "wait, how the hell did I get here? Was that a dream? Jesus Christ.." It was so incredibly vivid that It took me a solid ten seconds to start to realize what happened.

I mention it because I pay massive attention to my dreams and I love hearing about the dreams of others. Though, I don't think they have any hidden meaning. Oneirology is BS if you ask me. A dream has a central theme to it with tons of other random crap floating along, like the events of your day if you dropped 3 tabs of acid.

Though, I guess sometimes they aren't weird, like the dream I just mentioned; It was so vivid and normal - I think if something odd happened, I would have been like, "wait, wtf?!" and become lucid.

Anyway, today was just weird and the 4th of july fireworks in Boston were amazing.

Oh, and the title is transliterated russian. It means, "lets have fun, and lets dance!" - it's the name of a song I was listening to while writing this.


  1. I love it when in a dream I go to jail or get arrested and when I wake up I feel like I got out of jail free!

  2. Crazy dreams lately as well!

  3. lol, I remember as a kid I would have a few dreams where I would get this awesome n64 game or something and I'd go to bed with it in my arms or something cheesy like that after having this awesome time playing it. But when I woke up I'd frantically look around my pillow for it to be really disappointed.

    I swear, I almost cried some of those mornings
