Monday, July 27, 2009

Weird day

So, today was a little odd. I was hella sluggish all day, and I wasn't quite sure why. The workout nearly killed me. I managed to do everything, but it was all spaced out. No good. Not good at all.
So, after the shoulder fly, only the v-sit and side crunch remained, yet I was feeling a bit nauseous, and ab workouts were the last thing I wanted to do, so I just kind of sat down in a chair in my room and read some of a book. With each second, it was like this little voice kept saying whispering "yo, go lay on your bed" until it was eventually yelling, so I did what it said. I laid down and practically passed out. I wouldn't call it sleep. It started out with me resting, just thinking about shit to pass the time, while still being consciously aware of my body, but I don't know what would have happened if I tried to move. I thought about it, but that thought, "naah, this feels too good, I'll just chill here fore a little bit longer." Then after what felt like five minutes passed, I decided to get up, except it felt like I was waking up from my thoughts. Also, it was at least 20 minutes later. Really strange.

Anyway, I got up, watched some TV for like, 25 minutes before my parents came home and kicked me out of the living room, where I went up to my room and completely destroyed the ab workouts. Well, the v-sit was really hard for some reason, but the side crunch was awesome and I did a couple extra sets. Guess I just needed a nap? The weird thing is that this is becoming a regular thing for me. I've been sleeping later, waking up later, and been needing naps. So strange. Tonight I'm going to go to bed before 12 and try to wake up at 7-ish.

One thing that pissed me off was dinner. A while ago, back in June, I went to cook some chicken I had stored in a plastic bag. It was fine during lunch I think, but when I opened the bag I was hit with this bad smell. Like a punch to the face. So, I go to make dinner, and the chicken smells fine. I start cooking it and it smells faintly like the chicken I tried to cook back in June, but not that bad, so I give it a shot. When it was finished, It smelled fine, but the after taste was similar to that smell. So, after much thought, I decided to toss it. Then I cooked some fresher chicken I bought that day, and it was fine... mostly. One small area of one of the pieces smelled funky, so I washed it pretty well, cooked both pieces up and they were way under my protein requirement. Like, 40 grams.

Oh well, at least Patrick's email was a lift. All the tips he suggested doing I've been doing recently. Blasting hard-core punk rock, visualizing various muscular people, telling myself that I want this. Even telling myself that this is nothing. That this is so damn easy. All of it helps and the fact that It seems like I'm on the right track makes me feel better.

Edit: Awesome, I feel slightly sick. It's probably not from the chicken, but the fact still remains that I feel like shit.


  1. You'll feel better soon.

    I sometimes have those days too. It's strange. There will be a small window where I will just feel really crappy for a couple of hours and then I'm straight again.

  2. I experience it is as well. It does help to know I will feel great again at some point in the next 3 days. Holding onto that moment seems to smooth things out, but it doesnt make it suck any less.

  3. Every minute of sleep you can get is extra muscle on your body. Sleep sleep sleep.

    In Peace Corps, the motto was, "better to throw it out than throw it up." Still use it today.
