Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh man, so weird...

Yesterday I sat down to write about why I am doing the PCP, though in an attempt to create some context I ended up rambling on about my past and the post, overall, was a raging mess. It's funny, the way I go about writing hasn't changed much in the past year or so, maybe it has become a bit more refined, but it has stayed almost the same. Yesterday when I was writing though, I noticed how terrible I am at writing. Ok, maybe I have a natural skill with words, but christ, there is no way that can make up for the bumbling mess that occurs when I set down to put words to paper. Coherency is what I lack. I suppose this is what they mean when they say that physical health will lead to better mental performance. This in turn leads me to realize how terrible I am at writing.

Anyway, I just checked my email, and the second sentence of the day 63 message was this:

"Have any of you ever read the book Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell?"

Really weird. Why? Because in what I guess you could call the rough-draft of my "reason for doing the PCP" post, I wrote this:

"So, I don't know where It all began, really. One defining moment was when I read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell."

I don't mean to suggest that coincidences have any significance. I've heard that there are no coincidences (something I think is probably bullshit, people underestimate probability), but it costs me nothing to take notice when something pops up and could (in the incredibly unlikely chance that coincidences 'mean something') benefit me in the long run.

Regardless of what you believe, this is a pretty weird coincidence.

Edit: Ok, after thinking about it for like, a few seconds, it doesn't really seem like that spectacular a coincidence. Still kind of funny.


  1. Did you catch the radiolab on randomness?

  2. Your writing is far from bad. You just need an editor is all. ;-)

  3. Haha, thanks Jeremy. Yeah, I suppose my actual writing is pretty good. I just ramble so much that I make an episode of Zen is Stupid look organized (ha, no offense)

    And yeah, I was thinking about the radiolab on randomness, the main reason why I don't take coincidences too seriously.

  4. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself when it comes to the blog. There is nothing wrong with writing in a stream of consciousness mode. It can be a means to purify your mind as you let everything your thinking just kind of spill out. If, when you reread, you see something you really want to draw our attention too, edit everything else out and leave in the stuff you want. To edit or not to edit, that is the question, but the answer is do what is natural for you.

  5. so does this mean next time your giving the grocery store clerk your number? BLi-zink.

  6. haha, nah, she looked like she was in highschool. Upperclassman, but still, a little too young for me.
